My hand just washed and cleaned... haha finally finished my bike project... small bike with big budgets involved-even got protest from my 'Financial Minister' hehe sayang punya pasal dia pun tolong2 juga kasi siap... I just can't resist my old habit... mesti moddy barang2 yang sudah siap sampai siap balik-errr, betul ka this ayat?
Project title: Yamaha 125z standard to 125 (150) super machine small bike...hehe

Transforming in progress... siap ada 'koyok' nda tahan tu kekeke...
Balik pejabat pun sempat lagi godek-godek... kejar dateline ka ni? haha
Hasilnya... hmm

Ok juga ka?

Mods: repainted Body frame, Pipe full system YOSHI, Racing Boy Super size disc brake, Uma Racing 32" cab, Racing Boy racing-footrest, Super re-bore block, polished in-let and out-let, Uma Racing CDI, Racing Boy suspension (rear)... emmm lupa sudah... dll. worth RM- (ribu sudah ni). Banyak juga o. Lot more to be done. Tapi nanti2 jalah...
Note: Only for layan ride purposes e.g: Cameron Highland weekend ride... Jarang bawak pergi kerja pun. Naik kancil ja pergi kerja, bukan apa takut dapat surat cinta pula...Petang bawak pigi padang main bola la..
WARNING: Don't ever2 be a super stupiddos Mat Rempitz... Put on safety gears everytime you are on the bike... Speed only when you fully conscious that if anything happen, you only going to kill yourself and not other innocent road users.