Have you people ever think about spending a lot (yes, a lots!) of money just to have some fun in a very shot while?haha ya know I've spend about RM20K just to make this 'old lazy machine' to work properly again. Lucky me thats not my money
la dude, but its true (
ya memang sy yg kasi belanja tu hehe kin habis duit gomen ja kerja saya ni o kan?)... I used the money to modified this Toyota land Cruiser ii and sent a team to Pahang recently (21-25 April) where a 4x4 drivers course was held (
rugi juga tauke sendiri tidak dapat datang, driver saya pula bersungguh menjahanamkan 'master-piece' sy ni...sob, sob)

Now, I think I don't need to explain more
la, even its not my car but this specific car already been given a new name by my staffs...
Itu kerita si XXXX tu...hehe siok kan?p/s: klu di Sabah sy bantai BJ45 bapa sy sama Hilux DC 2.8D abang sy yg sporting tu...kan bro sly?hehe
i always love 4x4 and adventure.
unfortunately tumpang kereta jala
wa sama kita geng...sy ni memang kaki masuk hutan ni...bwk 'hammock' dan paling penting ada senapang berminggu-minggu la bercuti dalam hutan kami ni...heh klu kita ada ngam2 kesempatan boleh ba masuk utan main2 pakai 4x4 lain kali tanakwagu...
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